At Walsh Medical Practice our GPs and Nurses provide care for Emergency, Acute, Chronic illnesses, Psychological Health and Management of long-term medication. We cater for all special groups including children, the elderly and those with special needs.

This notice is to advise you about the circumstances surrounding general practitioners here in Ireland at the moment.

General Practice nationally is under extreme pressure due to:

  • Manpower Shortages
  • Additional Workload
  • Covid19 Pandemic-related restrictions
  • Ever Increasing Hospital Waiting lists
  • Increased patient requests for phone/letters/appointment consultations

We are conscious that this is also a concern and frustration for our patients.   Acknowledging these constraints we endeavour to provide a high standard of care and will do everything within our capability to improve currents services.  

We are currently:

  • Actively advertising for the recruitment of General Practitioner
  • Working longer and harder to cover additional workload
  • Streamlining footfall to the surgery with new online facilities for our patients safety and convenience
  • Working with our colleagues in the hospital environment to improve patient care.
  • Investing in new I.T and Telephone infrastructure.

We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter to get through these challenging times and would ask you to:     

  • Reduce footfall to the surgery, particularly due to the increasing Covid positive numbers – use our online services for prescription, cert ordering etc.
  • Learning how to manage common illnesses with confidence and common sense is a great life skill. You can learn how to look after yourself and your family when you are sick and find out what treatments are available for everyday illnesses besides antibiotics by visiting the HSE excellent website  The advice on comes direct from Doctors and Pharmacists and will help you manage everyday illnesses. 
  • Please treat our staff in a respectful way if they cannot facilitate your requests within your preferred timeline.

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