North Gate Medical Centre is registered with the HSE to provide free GP care to our patients under the age of eight. All children who have a valid doctor visit card can avail of free care from their GP.  This entitles your child to free GP medical care for both acute and chronic conditions. To ensure that you can avail of this service, simply log onto or for further information LoCall number 1890 252 919. Also covered by this scheme
  • Height and weight checks at the age of 2 yrs. and 5 yrs. If you would like to avail of this service please contact our practice nurse to organise.
  • Care for children with asthma
Where there is a diagnosis of asthma on a child aged over 2 years, an initial asthma check will be carried out by our Practice Nurse/ opportunistically by our doctors and a further review 3 months later.   An annual review thereafter is recommended. This will include a review of current medication, current level of control, and estimate of severity of asthma History of smoke exposure within the household is important and smoking cessation of family members is strongly encouraged. We support parents/ carers in ensuring that they are confident in the inhaler technique used when administering inhalers to their child We encourage all of our asthma patents to avail of the annual influenza vaccination and advise them to make an appointment for this with our practice nurse. We advise all of our asthma patients to follow the Asthma Society of Ireland’s Asthma Management Plan We encourage all parents to register online on in order to avail of their excellent resources- Living Well With Asthma Unfortunately there are many services which the HSE have not covered under this Scheme.  Some examples are listed below. These will incur a fee.
  • Travel vaccinations
  • Blood test or investigations
  • Passport / identity reports / letters
  • Crèche reports
  • Utilities reports / letters
  • Insurance medicals / reports
  • School attendance notes / certificates
  • Sports medicals / reports
  • Letters in support of applications for services under the Social Welfare Acts (Housing, Clothing).

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