2022/23 Winter Flu Vaccine

2022/23 Winter Flu Vaccine

2022/23 Winter Flu Vaccine


If you are a patient of Walsh Medical Practice and meet the below criteria, we are delighted to advise that you can now book your FREE Flu Vaccine online simply CLICK HERE.

The flu vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine. It helps to protect you from flu. The best time to get the flu vaccine is before the flu season starts. Walsh Medical Practice are pleased to confirm that we will have this vaccine available and it will be free for all of our eligible patients.

Who can get a free flu vaccine

You can get a free flu vaccine if you are:

People with these conditions can also get a free flu vaccine:

  • chronic heart disease, including acute coronary syndrome
  • chronic liver disease
  • chronic kidney failure
  • chronic respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, moderate or severe asthma, or bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • chronic neurological disease including multiple sclerosis, hereditary and degenerative disorders of the central nervous system
  • diabetes
  • Down syndrome
  • haemoglobinopathies
  • a body mass index (BMI) over 40
  • immunosuppression due to disease or treatment (including asplenia or hyposplenism, and all cancer patients)
  • children with a moderate to severe neurodevelopmental disorder such as cerebral palsy
  • children on long-term aspirin therapy
  • any condition that can compromise respiratory function, like spinal cord injury, seizure disorder or other neuromuscular disorder, especially people also attending special schools or day centres

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